We are pleased to host a range of activities, running throughout the week.
Each one has been taylored to individual and group needs or to combat a specific area of need within our community.
Please see below for more details

Coffee and Chat
10am to 12pm
Every Monday
Juice Comunity Project
Newton Road
Cadbury Heath
Refreshments Provided
Everyone welcome
Welcome Space
We offer a space where people can drop in and keep warm.

Stay and Play
Mondays 1.30pm to 2.45pm
Sessions take place at
Cadbury Heath Children's Centre
Sessions are open to anyone with Pre school Children.
There is no charge for this session.
Please note there is only on street parking available

Arts and Craft Group
1.30pm to 3.30pm
Every Tuesday
Juice Comunity Project
Newton Road
Cadbury Heath
BS30 8EL
A place where you can be creative and have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee
No need to book just come along

1pm to 2.30pm Thursdays
(term time only)
Cadbury Heath Hall
Our community choir is a thriving group open to all ages. Professional, amateur or tone deff, everyone is welcome to come and join us having fun and singing some of the greatest hits over the decades.
Tea, Coffee, refreshments and biscuits provided
Cost £6 per session

Monday and Wednesday 12pm
Thursdays 11.15am
Meet at Juice Community Project
to enjoy a group walk lasting approximately 20 minutes

9.45am - 11:15am
For the older ladies and gentleman.
Light gentle exercises to promote good health.
£2.50 per session
Refreshments included.

A great away to make new friends
Monday 1.30pm to 3pm
At Juice Community Project
Open to all

Fit and Fed
Holiday activity for children
Summer Holidays 2024
30th July to 29th August
Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday only
School Aged Children only
We will be providing a packed lunch
Pick your Packed Lunch up from Juice Community Project at 12pm
No Need to book - all activities on First Come, First served Basis
Activities will be on Coronation Park from 12.30pm and will include craft, sport, and visits from other activities
Activities are open to all - no need to book
For full details of the weekly programme keep an eye on our Facebook page.

Yoga with Pippa
Every Thursday
10.15 to 11am
Everyone welcome

We are working with our colleagues at South Gloucestershire Community Learning to put on courses in Cadbury Heath .
At the present time we have an
Improve your reading course
Arts and craft session
For More details contact
Anthony Hill
01454 864623 or 01454 864613