We aim to provide services of the higest quality. Working with our partner agencys we strive to connect the Right People to the Right Service at the Right Time.
Please see below for more details

Here at Juice, we offer a drop-in for anyone needing advice or a listening ear. The kettle is always on so feel free to just pop by.
We look forward to seeing you.

Community Larder
A great opportunity to reduce food waste whilst all providing services for those who are struggling .
Food is available on a Tuesday ,Wednesday and Thursday

Juice has access to many other professional services, both local and national. If you would like any help accessing any of these please drop in and chat to us any time.
Are you experiencing Anti-social Behaviour?
If so, we want to hear from you.
Reporting is easy, simply use one of the following methods:
South Gloucestershire council:
Tel: 01454 868 582
Email: absreporting@southglos.gov.uk
Website: www.southglos.gov.uk
Avon and Somerset constabulary
Tel: 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)
Website: www.avonandsomerset.police.uk
Victim Support
Tel: 07950 892 945
Email: abs.southglos@victimsupport.org.uk
Future Bright career progression coaches are able to support people who
are currently in paid work but on top-up benefits, to progress their
career and help remove barriers to progression. This support can be
provided remotely by telephone contact, Skype, email and text messaging.
Future Bright is open to local residents who are:-
Aged 19 or over and living in the West of England - Bristol, South Gloucestershire or Bath and North East Somerset
Currently in paid work (part-time, full-time, temp, self-employed or zero hours)
Receiving any of the following in-work benefits or tax credits –Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Housing Benefit or Means-Tested Council tax reduction.
What can Future Bright offer?
A dedicated Career Progression Coach who can:
Help you form an Action Plan and support you through each step
Signpost and advise you on training and career pathways
Plus we can offer some financial support towards training or other work
related costs
All conversations are confidential, can be accessed remotely and focus
on what you want to achieve – your coach will help you take your next step.
Participation is always FREE, and fits around your current commitments.
Contact us today for an informal chat on 01454 866008 or email us at
Alternatively, complete the online
referral form at www.futurebright.org.uk