Please bear with us as we update this page
We Will, With You....
Local Services and the local Area
Short Term
Juice to facilitate work with SCG and local volunteers to make Banjo Island and Coronation Park attractive florally.
Set up local Friends Group to work with current organisations on new floral features.
set up a Voluntary Litter Clearing Group.
JUICE to publish a leaflet in hardcopy informing residents of initiatives ad services available from them.
Medium Term
Ensure that any changes to Coronation Park benefit all ages.
Work with all the community to stage a Community Event in Cadbury heath to be enjoyed by everyone.
Long term and ongoing
Juice to facilitate a group of local businesses, agencies and groups to enhance the area on an ongoing basis.
Community safety
Short Term
Produce in a hard copy format a summary of the contact details of all the appropriate agencies available to help support residents on issues of the Community Safety
Medium Term
establish a working group to investigate the issues and perceptions of Anti-Social Behaviour and how these can be resolved, not only now but also with future generations.
Long Term
Set up intergenerational schemes to establish a greater understanding between generations.
Health and Lifestyle
Short Term
Healthy Lifestyle event to be staged to publicise what is available to support residence Health and Lifestyle.
Establish Men Without Sheds
Medium Term
Ensure local groups, health centred and organisations publicise the support available locally for health and lifestyle by delivering information in methods required by the community in hard copy as well as online.
Long Term
Ensure and new initiatives and support are known not only to residents but to all agencies working in the area.
Investigate issues with public transport to local medical facilities.
Have one place that is easily accessible for information and assistance.
Employment. Education, Income and Skills
Short Term
Compose a comprehensive information advice leaflet on support available for Education, Employment and Money that is available not. only to residents but to local agencies.
Ensure all courses and educational opportunities are known to the community.
Medium Term
Establish a local business organisation.
Long Term
Set up a point within the community to allow businesses and other organisations to publicise any vacancies locally.
Work with businesses to investigate methods to encourage more residents to gain the qualifications required to find employment locally.
What we have achieved
Local services and Local area
Juice working with local volunteers and South Gloucestershire council has installed 2 planters around the shops in Newton Road with another 3 planned to be ready for spring 2020
400 bulbs have also been planted on Banjo Island and more
Friends group being organised
Litter pick group underway
A leaflet and update of the juice website showing everything that is provided has now been done.
Community Safety
Hard copy card with contact details for relevant agencies now available .
working group has been established to investigate the issue and perception of Anti-social Behaviour.
Health and Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyles event has taken place following on from this subsidised Yoga and Older persons exercise sessions are now happening.
A "Men without sheds" group meet every Wednesday, and are choosing what they want to do or find out about.
Employment, Education, Income and Skills
2 issues of a "Business Bulletin" have now been produced giving information on such things as free courses.